@psanchezan ?It's just a way for big company's to save a buck at the expense of all others. If Google wants solar let them pay for it! Not me.
@psanchezan My mom had this exact same problem. I created an app specifically to solve it and now it has about 100+ very happy users.
sounds like your AC?is only mimicking and is dependent the outside temperature...hehe
@psanchezan Jesus wept.
@psanchezan do the spoon work ???
@psanchezan the main purpose of any spy camera is to get small details such as reading document with small font or car number plate while driving
@psanchezan feel sorry for you
@pmorrisa6 Does this only work with modems provided by a cable provider??
@mfoxai Motors dont produce mechanical energy but convert electrical energy to heat and mechanical energy.?
@rbarnesam There's a lot of space on it with the 1TB
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