@ebailey1h Why bother? much easier (and cheaper) to buy a pair of scissors in the first place... Have Technology, now what can we do with it? :-/?
good luck to you brother
@hwoods1f wow - great product!
@ahughes1i I see what you did there
@ebailey1h You gotta love a city that believes in the second amendment
@pdiaz14 Next challenge perhaps..
@hwoods1f Am not an engineer. How does this differ from what Ogle did so many years ago (and that some claim was behind his murder)??
@hwoods1f I'm not desperate enough to buy this
If Conan O' brien was still in harvard he would crack 100 times better insults than this. Doesn't harvard have a humor publication? Where the fuck are those guys??
I?m not cool with this...
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