Crime reports


Till now, crime reporting system could be old school. If any incident happens in any area, crime reporting is done via telephone or in person. A large number of incidents happen in every city and we do not have the exact statistics for this. Having a system, will be helpful in looking for places to live, visit or buy property. Good motivation also for local government to improve security and lower crime rates. It's 2017 and we still do not have a proper system for this.

15 points | 51 comments


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What a horrific idea in this age

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What Do We Want?! Evidence Based Change!

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@pdiaz14 Statistics?? HAHA? Create a fair financial system & economy so all can work hard and earn a decent living.

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@pdiaz14 It's an empirical fact that you're significantly more likely to be shot in the US than in the UK

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@mweaver16 somebody just said they can sleep comfortably right now and so can I!! Boston born and raised?

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@mweaver16 murders all day long every day down here and we have the highest shooting rate in the nation?

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@rcarroll18 south east dc has way more crime rates then st louis?

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So much for innocent until proven guilty..... oh wait, what am I talking about?

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@shall1c Comparing apples to pears makes no sense at al

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@shall1c Ok lets compare apples to pears. If I said apples were bad for your health and cost more than pears do would you still buy apples?

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@jyoung1e I also feel pretty safe in Miami and Philadelphia has some really nice parts.

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@jbennett1g Detroit has some of the strictest gun control in the nation.?

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Thank you for raising awareness about these important resources!

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The comments havegiven me a lot of tools to find out these things.

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Is there anyway on this site to actually search a neighborhood?

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Intruders are everywhere. Big thanks to the technology for offering such amazing and helpful crime tracking sources.?

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@he highest murder rate and violent crime rate is in sou@hern Illinois where @he majority of @he population is white

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@hburton1n So you think the second amendment is a pro murder law? That is the stupidest thing I ever heard anyone say.?

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@hburton1n It's great that objective science is playing an increasing role in matters of public decision making.

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@hburton1n I was going to say the same thing?

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@aedwards1q you can't even own a gun in Detroit dumbass no American laws before you talk?

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Still criminals will have weapons doesn't help?

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@jward1v A homogenous high IQ law abiding demographic. There's nothing wrong or racist with point out the facts?

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@jward1v Damn sorry to hear that?

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@kcole1x For your information; According to the federal government's own FBI statistics, US states/cities with the strictest gun laws have the HIGHEST crime/murder rates. States with the most lenient gun laws have the LOWEST.

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@kcole1x Maybe this is useful information, but crime is such a complex problem, ranking cities as most violent is not productive

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@ereynolds1z that's what happens when you allow things like jobs and tax base leaving and the drug trade to enter. poverty+prohibition = crime

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Let's face it, most of world 'society' are totally brainwashed and.... stupid.

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@bcoleman22 First. Like if you read this?

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@bcoleman22 We need a super hero like Batman to turn these cities around!?

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@ahowell1 At least we have freedom?

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@arobertson2 What do ALL the cities with high crime rates have in common??? Think about it..

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@arobertson2 most of these cities are experience extreme poverty

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