@holiverde Someone will scrape their knee or something and sue and it will be taken away, just like diving boards were.
@jnguyendb You know whole probing and ?losing all the juices? is a myth... right?
@astanleydd Back when I worked in a smaller office, they maintained Office 2003 as long as they could until they had to move up to 2007 to support DocX
?I hope you're sterile
@holiverde Now we need the recipes! :)
@astanleydd we are 50% left of reaserching to make a real lightsbaber or actually we can do it now but we somehow need to stop the laser in the air?
@holiverde The Arctiv Pillow works for me: the contour of the pillow is perfect for my neck. I'm not tilting my head up or down so my spine stays in alignment.
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