Mosquito zapper


Summer brings fun, sun, and -unfortunately - lots of annoying mosquitoes. Mosquitoes prove difficult to grab or swat because they have faster reflexes and a greater range of vision. When you start to swat they can feel the change in the air, see your hand (or weapon of choice) descending upon them, and then move out of the way long before you reach their initial resting place. In order to catch a fly with speed, you need to predict where they will go. In order to catch a fly with speed, you need to predict where they will go. If you have a mosquito zapper you can draw in mosquitoes and zaps them. This can also emits signal to kill the mosquito egg.

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The fly explodes because of its insides are mostly liquid, and the electric shock quickly turns it into gas. Kaboom?

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@ would l@ke to see that sh@t, those mofos been b@t@ng me from so long now, @ swear @m ready to g@ve them my bloo

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@eople could have deep frY mosquitoes and coated it in chocolate. Shame on you for cheating someone out of a tasty snack.?

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PETA is gonna fucking go mental when they see this?

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I think there was an invention wherein a laser canzap a mosquito midair

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@any, @any, many years ago we discussed lasers as weapons and you said it would not be possible.

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@ow about this cool design...???!!

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@osquitos fucking suck, but I would love to see this as a replacement to pesticides.

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@hy not just kill all mosquitos instead of just the ones that might hurt us.?

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@es ecosystem problem and lack of food for spiders and frogs but let's be real. Everyone and everything has a hatred for these blood sucking bastards.

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Thats all? Just mosquitoes?? What those wasps making a big nest on my next door neighbor porch ceiling?

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How about just targeting any kind of insects that it comes across it, except for bees and other insects that help to pollinate flowers. But prob build another one that target any insect that is only to be put in houses, because who would like flying insects coming to their homes lol

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@this is the kind of tech Gates should be pouring his Billions into. This is how one combats malaria. Zap the buggas

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WHY NOT find a vaccine for the disease?!?!?!....THEN THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY INSECTS CARRYING IT!!!....and $ /time wasted on a stupid device that won't solve the issue....

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@t could save a lot of lives and suffering whilst we wait for a vaccine to be developed.

  • Reply the vaccine we have for AIDS, Ebola, SARS, H1N1, swine flu, the common cold, and the flu right?

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@eah simple just find a vaccine!!

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@Are you a mosquito?

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@ou fail at life. Don't breed.

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mosquito lives matter

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@ake a science class. and remember, technological advances like this lead to even greater advances in the future, so it's not stupid.

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There is all this fancy new tech and solutions, but they are always too expensive or complicated to implement in the places where they are actually needed.

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AI will adapt and scale this to match the heart rate and walkin/running cadence of humans.?

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@t won't be long...

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@ hum@n z@pper???

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