@rlawsona You are not. I know a lot of people with newborns who won?t post pictures of their kids.
@rlawsona For the most part an air compressor is an air compressor.?
?Some have truly amazing meals, while others are serving food that is O.K.?
@rlawsona does this last forever?
@jwilliamsonb This segment of the population is smart, experienced, trainable and always willing to show up on time to give 100 percent
@jwilliamsonb what will you use the tint for?
@rlawsona I just received my glasses today and can't wait to put them to use.
@jstewart8 Safe and efficient roads? Check
@rlawsona yes, because we have trumpy BLEECHHH
@bhernandezc ?I have become severely disabled and technology is my lifeline to the rest of the world and gives me great joy too. one of the greatest inventions ever.
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