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Digital footprint information

The ultimate stalker, displays all public information of a person in a single website

7 points | 0 comments

Car solar sunshade


The Solar Sun Shade is an original product that combines technical ingenuity with innovation. The Solar Sun Shade is a car reflector that has a solar power embedded in it. The Solar Sun Shade is an ingenious device because aside from harmful sun rays that are already being reflected away from your car, heat is further reduced by the solar fans to keep your car cooler than any other sun shade on the market. The device have many other feature too: it can charge your phone or other electrical device while attached to the solar powered car sun shade.

18 points | 50 comments

Automatic drinking fountains

When it comes to drinking enough water we really don't seem to know what's best for us. Chances are, we are all the same. A lot of start up companies believes it can sort all parties out with a smart water fountain. This new fountain, runs on a sensor. The flow sensor detects the if people are near, each of which represents a fixed amount of water, it can also monitor the flow of water to detect both major leaks and slow leaks, with certain conditions automatically cutting off the water with the shutoff motor.

44 points | 50 comments

Air conditioning system that can detect coverage


One of the most dominant questions in our mind when we want to purchase an air conditioner is, how much area can this air conditioner cover? This question points not to what brand of air conditioner to buy, but rather what is the cooling capacity required. To understand the selection of air conditioner, we first have to know the definition of cooling capacity. Engineers now are looking into the concept of creating an aircon that displays the area of its coverage. Buy too small and it will struggle to keep the room at a comfortable temperature; buy too big and and the room will cool too quickly without removing enough humidity from the air.

40 points | 50 comments

Programmable thermostat to control temperature

Attach this device to your faucet to adjust the water temperature.

10 points | 0 comments

Zipper earphones

Your in-ear buds are probably the worst offender, here. They get tangled if you look at them wrong. Now you can prevent your earphone cords from tangling. The zipper not only keeps the buds tangle-free, but also allows for a lot of adjustment. Hold your cable at both connector ends, you?ll find the middle of the cord itself, and zip 'em to prevent from tangling. You can coil and uncoil what you need, when you need it. It is also uniquely handy because it stays on the cord, and can let loose the amount of cord you need.

20 points | 50 comments

Email forwarding


It is complicated in the real world, you usually head over to the post office and fill out a change of address form and they do everything for you. But when you change your email address - things get equally surprisingly complicated. You have four, maybe five, email addresses. Keeping up with all of them can be exhausting; constantly opening separate windows and programs to monitor all your different inboxes. Now you can set up your primary email acount to forward your email to another email account when your inbox is full.

28 points | 50 comments

chameleon pen


The Last Pen You'll Ever Need to Buy. A pen that can copy the color of any object and writes ink with the same color. It's more for people who do a lot of idea sketching or longhand writing to be able to do something to more easily bridge the analog/digital gap.You can change colors by tapping on the pen while writing/drawing. Plus, you can save more money, no more buying different colored pens and loading them in your case, but... I could also see myself writing all over my phone accidentally in no time.

39 points | 50 comments

Friendfinder app

A website or an app that shows your available buddies. You can go out, grab lunch or have some coffee with them.

1 points | 0 comments

Storm breaker

Hurricane-calming technology? There is a new technology that increases the warning time for tornadoes and hurricanes could potentially save hundreds of lives every year. Because of its science-fiction-like possibilities (controlling the weather is a superpower, after all), weather modification can lead to aspirational inventions and promises of clear skies. In the future let us hope for scientists that can create a machine that disperses storms and calms the weather.

18 points | 50 comments

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