Zipper earphones

Your in-ear buds are probably the worst offender, here. They get tangled if you look at them wrong. Now you can prevent your earphone cords from tangling. The zipper not only keeps the buds tangle-free, but also allows for a lot of adjustment. Hold your cable at both connector ends, you?ll find the middle of the cord itself, and zip 'em to prevent from tangling. You can coil and uncoil what you need, when you need it. It is also uniquely handy because it stays on the cord, and can let loose the amount of cord you need.

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Thank you for that?it was entertaining and beautiful. I found myself grinning throughout.

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@awoodjf Somehow, this doesn't really work for me... I have a pair of Skull Candy earbuds, and, they haven't become tangled anyway.

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@awoodjf My friend absolutely needs something like this

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They should just sell a universal sleeve for all headphones?

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@pharveyji there is this thing called budsleeves that go over your headphones?

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@pharveyji That's actually really clever dude....?

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I will still figure out how to tangle them...?

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@bbanksjl Ikr the sleave is gonna get tangles and ima be like what is life lol?

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@bbanksjl true?

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@ccarpenterjm just put a tie in it?

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Good business move.?

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@anguyenjp And somehow i would manage to tangle them....?

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@anguyenjp only 5% of the human population could

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@aadamsjr Ikr?

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@aadamsjr im included in the 5%

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@anguyenjp ?I had intended to buy an inexpensive cord organizer?

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useful product

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@swhitejv Nonetheless, making my own from the right piece of plastic or plywood may be an option, when time permits. :)

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@kgibsonjw Good idea. We wrap studio microphone cables in the same way; we call it figure-eighting.

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?I want to know the "physics" of the rubbery cable of the iPhone earbud that makes it so prone to tangling

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@gblackjy ?It has a mind of its own

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@cburkejz I ask myself that very question?.whyyy?

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For Ethernet cables, phone cords, and other similar items, coil them around the center post of an empty CD/DVD spindle, then put the cover on until you need the cable.?

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mother of god. I could knot believe this!

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@rboydk2 HAH?

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@rboydk2 nice..nice?

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@rboydk2 lol nice pun :)?

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@rboydk2 great banter?

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Or, you could just get a flat cable version of ear pods/headphones.?

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@ehenryk7 or get a case??

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@ehenryk7 or wireless headphones?

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@soliverk8 And hear every movement of the cable, when it touches something :-(?

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@tfisherka ikr, i hate that more than the tangling?

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@jbryantk9 ATROCIOUS! Plus, every single day at school they would die before the day ended.

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I'm the 5%!!?

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