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Rate my teachers


The best teachers leave their mark on us long after we've left the classroom (or other learning situation). Some websites now are paying homage to them. There are websites that shows the ratings and reviews for a teacher. If you think about it, this is a valuable tool in college if you were smart enough to parse out the real reviews from the slackers. You should also take this with a grain a salt, though - lots of students head there to vent about their least favorite teachers and knock down their ratings...

4 points | 50 comments

Lego designer


As far as I'm concerned this is a must have for any LEGO fan. A software that helps you design legos and then print the parts using 3D printer. It works with LEGO pieces and can be decorated with any bricks or minifigures that you want. You could even change your LEGO design daily depending on your mood. Build LEGO constructs that aren't limited to the standard X and Y axes with this cool hemisphere part that has four LEGO bases embedded on half of a sphere It should go without saying that this is perfect for kids.

24 points | 50 comments

Space tourism


An amusement park that simulates the conditions in space. Let's you feel like a real astronaut without leaving Earth.

49 points | 50 comments

Noise reduction in toilet


Ok, so this isn't a very new invention, in fact it's been around for around three years, but this is worth a mention for its unique purpose. When in a public toilet, it is considered polite to minimize the sound you make while pooping. Instead of just blasting away, you learn how to control your butt to reduce noise. This can be very difficult and adds discomfort to your pooping experience. What if we make the toilet bowl naturally sound absorbent? Or we can attach a noise cancelling device to it suppress the noise like a butt silencer. With this you can release the Kraken without worrying about the thunder it brings.

48 points | 73 comments

Automatic car air conditioning system


Regulates the air temperature in your car even when the engine is off. Very useful for situations when you're parked in open areas exposed to direct sunlight. The car will automatically cool itself for you so you wouldn't bear with the heat when entering the car. For snowy areas, the car will keep the temperature warm.

31 points | 50 comments

Programmable Delivery Drone technology


Designed as a last resort in the delivery hierarchy - these drones will be likely to be costly to use. According to several reports, 30 minutes of your order being placed, your goods can sat on your lawn or driveway. With the drones having been shown to clock speeds of up to 60mph - and with no air traffic to dodge - drone deliveries are not only going to be more convenient, but often quicker than heading to the shops. It would be pretty cool not to have to face the delivery guy anymore, but have that little thing hovering in our laws - ladies and gentlemen - the future.

16 points | 83 comments

Multi directional shower design


One of the best investments you can make in your own happiness is upgrading the crappy shower head that came with your house or apartment. How about buying a multi directional shower that flows water in all directions. Like the interior of this shower. Tiles will look nice with the exterior of shower. All fixtures in bathroom are to be oil rubbed bronze. But of course, bronze may not be your preference, like Trump, you can choose gold or any other colors that you want.

17 points | 50 comments

Noise cancellation in phones


Our phone has more than one microphone. In most cases there will be a secondary or tertiary microphone that is placed in strategic points around your handset. One company making strides in noise reduction is Qualcomm. The company's influence in technology is built into a number of its chips. These chips are the same ones that are found within any number of the highest end noise canceling headphones. If you hate the noise that millenials check out the noise cancelling phones available in the market now.

11 points | 55 comments

Home air purifiers

One of the biggest problems most of us have in living in the metro is the fresh, outdoor air wasn't being circulated through our house due to air pollutants..and we have to admit this we would rather close our windows than let the dust invade our home. I know some people swear by having their air-ducts cleaned regularly, while others rely on those Sharper Image air purifiers. If you're primarily concerned about common particle allergens such as pollen, mold, or dander, get an air purfier that offers the best value compared with the competition. It will remove virtually all airborne particles within a half hour and keep it that way until you turn it off.

20 points | 50 comments

Beer ice cream

For those who are mocking the combination of beer ice cream, well, it's no stranger compared to a combination than maple bacon cupcake. My current dream is to get drunk while eating ice cream -- No, I kid - but there is an available recipe for this online, or to break it down for you? you can use lendtec by freezing the Guinness into cubes and adding to the base mixture along with the heavy cream. If you want to be 'healthier' Melk is less fat milk, you can use it but you will lose out on the creamy texture. And the flavor will not be as good. But It will be healthier!

20 points | 63 comments

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