Beer ice cream

For those who are mocking the combination of beer ice cream, well, it's no stranger compared to a combination than maple bacon cupcake. My current dream is to get drunk while eating ice cream -- No, I kid - but there is an available recipe for this online, or to break it down for you? you can use lendtec by freezing the Guinness into cubes and adding to the base mixture along with the heavy cream. If you want to be 'healthier' Melk is less fat milk, you can use it but you will lose out on the creamy texture. And the flavor will not be as good. But It will be healthier!

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You had me at BEER!!!

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@agarza6y Another EXCELLENT idea

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@agarza6y I look forward to this

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@haustin70 ewwww, how was it

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@sbailey6z Id assume that its the same thing but swap the beer for whatever u want?

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@lmorris72 googgle it

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I hope this is delish

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what kind of beer will they use?

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so what is this supposed to taste like? beer?

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@jbowman76 ...because, wow, beer.?

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@pfox77 no we are not your friend! Also EWWWW

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@jsims78 I need to try this recipe.

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@ajames79 yes!

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@jhunter7a Porter or Stout are my favorite beer choices for this.

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Beer?! Is it a noon alcoholic alrternative????

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@smorrison7c Don't ice cream and drive!?

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@cmitchell7d Alcoholic ice-cream, oh yeah!?

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@nmendoza7e MOTHER. OF . GOD. YES

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@saustin7f Malk?

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@eduncan7g Never heard of beer in ice cream!?

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This ice cream looks fun to make. ?

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@bfranklin7i yes, there are

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@vjones7j I looked it up. I think there may be a few different brands of melk. ?

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@lmiller7k Can I use milk instead of Melk??

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is it okay if I dont put beer??

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You have to have beer??

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@bgarrett7n this I gotta try.?

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I love to do food and beer pairings and stouts are a great choice with desserts.?

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Do you guys put salt in ice-cream??

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