Home air purifiers

One of the biggest problems most of us have in living in the metro is the fresh, outdoor air wasn't being circulated through our house due to air pollutants..and we have to admit this we would rather close our windows than let the dust invade our home. I know some people swear by having their air-ducts cleaned regularly, while others rely on those Sharper Image air purifiers. If you're primarily concerned about common particle allergens such as pollen, mold, or dander, get an air purfier that offers the best value compared with the competition. It will remove virtually all airborne particles within a half hour and keep it that way until you turn it off.

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most air purifiers are excellent at removing particles, but its biggest flaw is that it is ineffective at removing odors

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@agarza6y just built yourself your own home purifier

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@agarza6y Can we place the purifiers anywhere in the room or should the end where purified air comes out be pointed towards us??

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@haustin70 Anywhere is fine - however The closer to you the better because it is where there are the least particles in the air when it comes out of the machine.?

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@apslock much?

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allergy sufferers rejoice! Salvation has come~!

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good against chemtrails? greeting?

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@es - most of them HEPA in particular?

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How often does it clean the air per hour??

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does it produce ozone? i hear that ozone is bad?

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@oes it produce ozone? i hear that ozone is bad?

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@zone? You mean ozone layer???

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@ome machines called ionizers do produce ozone, and some machines are designed as ozone genrators .

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@oo much ozone can irritate lungs - even though ozone is effective for mold, odor and smoke (but not dust/pollen).?

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@an I have that thing and an portable airconditioner to set room temperatures from -5 to 35 degrees??

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Please explain to me why is this not famous yet??

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@ome people are masters on air purifying.?

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@aybe because they read more

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@r they don?t troll that much

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we have a store that sells perfume, candles, soaps and lotions that sometimes bother customers. we dont have a lot of space, but we need something to conquer odors first and foremost. can you make any recommendations?

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@erfume and candles are tough odors to remove.

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@ELL, you are a perfume store

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@es, your are selling your smell

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@itty comment there

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@ithout puns to say the least

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i wish i could give you a hug

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i live in a small apartment with a cat. Can the air purifier help me eliminate cat odor??

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@f the odor is from the cat box or the cat yes, since it treats odor 4 ways.

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@mmm if you have urine (etc.) in the carpeting or elsewhere it's almost impossible for any air purifier to help, - it will reduce the odor when it's on but to get rid of it means treating the carpeting etc..?

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@his is why I am a dog person

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@e too. I don?t like cats

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@hank you for ur anwer, whats the price of the air purifier?

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I have a question, does the Air Purifier have a fan that gives clean fresh air??

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@**rolls eyes***

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@es and primarily it's the clean air with added Negative Ions that makes the air healthier

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@ndoor air is void of healthy negative ions as in nature...Thanks for asking?

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@ill this take away the smells of glade plug-ins if they are plugged in??

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@argely yes- and you have to be careful of the Glade ingredients because they give a waxy substance?

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