@rdixon5k Personally, I've always found that sucking out the water from the bristles after brushing and rinsing them out a few times gave me more than enough water to rinse my mouth at (and it keeps my toothbrush relatively clean).
@rdixon5k Sorry, it can't.?
@rdixon5k ?It's like they?wait for you to get all of your ducks in a row and then unleash an update that changes?everything.
Yeh plus it's always better to have more than one source of power. This would be handy if you happened to have flowing water on your property already.
@jmoore5j nice idea !?
@madams5i ?90% of coral will die off as we blow past Paris Accord temperature limits
@rdixon5k It's a great idea, but the shoes are hundreds of dollars!
@rdixon5k for the win as usual?
@salexander4z whats retarded you cant change the battery.?
@erice5g With the nano technology we have now days I know for a fact they can make it. Recon Instruments is making stuff like this for the military
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