Save the planet website


We all need a website that could show us a win-win-win way to get rid of clutter, help others and do your bit for the environment by 'recycling' anything from left over knitting wool to an old washing machine. Let us all work on the basis that one man's rubbish is another man's gold, and enable you to see what unwanted stuff is up for grabs in your area. Maybe give us also a practical guide to recycling - where we can buy or create great recycled gifts, such as circuit board coasters and camera bags made of belts.

24 points | 50 comments


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People think that we've ruined this planet by technology but with technology with can bring it back !?

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@madams5i The fact that over 90% of the ocean is unexplored, makes it imossible for around 25-40% of the worlds corals to be KNOWN lost! It could be a theory but not a clean facts

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@madams5i Didn't our so-called president just cut propose to cut NOAA's budget by a whopping 17% and de-fund major aquatic and sea study grants over THIS weekend?

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@madams5i ?90% of coral will die off as we blow past Paris Accord temperature limits

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this seems promising

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@arichards5m ?Unfortunately, not enough people are/will be willing to make a difference in Rising Temperatures.?

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@arichards5m Save paper.?Save the planet.

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@ljacobs5o WRONG! Keep using paper, so the demand for paper remains high. If the demand for paper stays high, there will always be paper farms in business.

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@ljacobs5o No one said to stop using paper. More people just need to recycle.

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@ahenry5p Or we could start making hemp paper and stop cutting down trees all together. Lol

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Save the planet. Shower together!

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@mcarpenter5w ?I can't shower with my husband. He'll never keep his hands off me.. and we'll waste even more water.

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@mcarpenter5w Actually, everyday at the gym I see how guys keep the shower running all the time without any reason, some of them even go to the sauna for few minutes and leave the water running.?

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@mcarpenter5w funny, but with a good message behind.

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@hharvey5z Just turn off the water or place it in trickle mode while soaping your body. You'll save gallons of water. Also turn off your sprinklers when it's going to rain. SAVE THE PLANET.

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@mcarpenter5w Brilliant

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?We MUST learn from the past. We are doomed if we ignore this evidence.

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@cpalmer63 Lots of mice this year in our garden - don't like 'em much but we get a great strawberry crop, because there are no slugs!

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@cpalmer63 as expected... humans are truly a disease on this planet

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@cmedina65 eating more vegetables is good for the environment

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@cmedina65 Should've said plant foods.

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@frichards67 Not to mention that number would be significantly reduced if more people went veg, which would help anyways?

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Every family should only be allowed to have no more than 2 children, whoever breaks the law will be charged higher tax rate. The money from the offenders will be spent on environmental projects.

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@pmarshall6a extremely arrogant

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@pmarshall6a communism is an ideal form of government and would work if people weren't greedy. Unfortunately, humans need to evolve intellectually for that to ever work.?

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It is life and the environment we live in that counts

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@lrogers6d New forms of sustainable energy production have to be created to avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change

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@lrogers6d The world is at cultural tipping point.?

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?the biggest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

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@rcox6g ?I love this as it makes you think there are so many things wrong with how the world can advance in all aspects of living and technology?

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@rcox6g An amazing innovation thats an excellent symbol of luxurious life and contribution of technologies advencement. Let's buy it and protect to contamination life,

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You can ride your bike to work, you can reduce the amount of red meat you eat.

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the best solution is to convert all energy to environment friendly and plants trillions of trees stop deforestation.?

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@cporter6k Limit your capitalist way of life, specially gringos and Chinese. With technology you don't change this devastation you freaking spoiled humans have created.?

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@rdaniels6l Did you know that for the past 18 years global warming has paused? Maybe no CO2 was emitted in the last 18 years.

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@cporter6k Maybe ppl should stop having so many babies (more and more mouths to feed...)?

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Have you watched the documentary "COWSPIRACY" yet? Learn the facts about global warming and take action

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@mcarpenter6o Hmmm,to my mind animal agriculture isn't the issue.Like the many other problems we are facing it is the scale of the situation that is the real issue.

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@mcarpenter6o Humans farming and eating meat is not the problem,the number of humans eating meat is.?

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@aortiz6q GO VEGAN?

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@hhamilton6p Everybody please watch cowspiracy?

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@mcarpenter6o What about the cows? Isn't methane a much worse problem (On scale and damage level) than the carbon dioxide problem??

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