

It's on the back of all of our minds - the zombie apocalypse is upon us, and when the time comes to hide in the basement, what are we going to do for power? What if we can generate electricity from the motion of the ocean waves? This is clean and sustainable energy, since water is one of our most abundant resources. It is a difficult but amazing self-sustenance project, and it has some nice features once underway, such as the ability to self-clean. This solution does can be used at night and with out the need for batteries.

18 points | 50 comments


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Seems like a lot of expense and effort to generate some power.

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@eh plus it's always better to have more than one source of power. This would be handy if you happened to have flowing water on your property already.

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@xactly this.

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@olar itself isn't at all without it's problems anyway. Though they're getting better

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@t's mostly because of dramatic overproduction in China..

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@oupled with the potentially environmentally devastating effects

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are you insane? There will never be a zombie invasion

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many 'streams' are protected waterways, and you can't just do whatever you want with them i have no idea if councils have any kind of permit or approval system for such things.

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@eally useful stuff?

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@ool c coo0l i really learned something

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so primitive?

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@hanks! perfect for my science project at my school?

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@hy does everyone keeps saying that this is their science porject?

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@OL maybe it?s the dumb millenials checking out this post

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So easily explained always wondered how this works because we use hydro electricity in our place but didn't really know how it works?

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@his comment makes no sense

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@nteresting fact: generators are just large motors. any motor can be turned and create electricity, and any generator can have power applied to it to make it turn. :)?

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@o fantastic

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@ts so cool?

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Microhydro is pretty neat stuff. There are a few mountain houses in the hills that use it.

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@t's kinda fringe technology.

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@ut it does work, seems to be best when it's scaled well.

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There is a simple equation for power from anything changing elevation. Power is a way of saying a time-rate of energy, just like a velocity is a time-rate of distance.

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@ho is asking for equation anyway?

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@his would be really nice for project scientists. I went on a trip with a professor studying bat ecology once.

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@f course you need to spend money on this

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@r better yet get some funding

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@oodluck with the government

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definately production of energy will be at distance from canal?

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@hat canal are you talking about?

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