@jflores5c thing is its not asus who makes the screen. Acer and asus screens are the same. But asus often has better menu controll and better calibrated colours at the start
@rclark5b They do make fabric grocery bags, they sell them at nearly every store.
@jflores5c But, don't become that slimey, kiss-ass who's every move is dictated by the appearance and politics.?
There is going to be quite a steep learning curve and a lot of projects that *didn't quite turn out as expected* with subsequent wasted material.
Today's tech industry is removing all sorts of challenges from human life?
@ariley57 people cant compete that?s the truth
@hbryant5a graffiti writers dont want to destroy, they want to put their names up...
@jflores5c Brilliant & Thanks
@rclark5b I travel every year to places that have Cyrillic alphabets and I also go to Armenia often.
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