@aperry1k You can thank affirmative action for that.?
@awelch1l Words to live by, words to live by.
@awelch1l I need to complete my project at school!!!?
What should we name it? ... Let's just jumble UBER and see what we get
NASA does not need to waste funding
@awelch1l People used to build them to protect themselves
@aperry1k or you can buy it online
@awelch1l they already have their luck
@aperry1k 6.6kWh is too small to power a whole house i guess, cus U will have fridge, AC or Heater,Microwave ovens, TV e.t.c and if ur girlfriend switches on the Hairdryer , then U are done.. U will need more than 30kWh a day to run all this
I would have to spend 10x longer in the shower
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