Renewable energy sources


Having solar panels on your roof and being on the city power grid can give you the best of both worlds. A lot of the time you can know that most of the power you are using in your home is being created from the sunlight on your roof. As of the moment we are the most power-wasting sapiens who charge 5 to 8 gadgets at a time. Economically putting in a home solar installation is only advantageous if there are rebates and incentives to help offset the cost of the energy. If you are looking for a solution to help lessen the electricity cost, load up on the solar panels that can generate renewable energy for your home, and reap the rewards of saving at the same time.

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It's all great until a hailstorm.....?

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@cvasquez1d That's an old system, for that price you can get one more than twice as powerful now.

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@jyoung1e I'm pretty sure that it's not legal for me to live off the grid. I live in a farm property. Let me know if I've been misled.?

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@jyoung1e till recently germany had the most number of solar panels in the world (40gw) , now china has overtaken germany,but they are 1.5billion

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@jbennett1g Yea we need better storage!?

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@ebailey1h hail stones have been known to break glass. I hope this helps.?

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Right now after the Renewable Energy Tax credit I could get a great system for $10,000. Is it worth buying if I decided to sell my home 10 years from now?

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At about 2 cents per Kwh who needs solar.? Try 15 cents per Kwh in SC and brutal summers to make that PV system seem worthwhile :)?

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@aperry1k seattle even gets more sun than germany

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@aperry1k 6.6kWh is too small to power a whole house i guess, cus U will have fridge, AC or Heater,Microwave ovens, TV e.t.c and if ur girlfriend switches on the Hairdryer , then U are done.. U will need more than 30kWh a day to run all this

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@jwilliamson1m Newer solar panels takes in more power than 10 years ago. Technology changes.?

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area will vary, but what are your utility's charges and fees for having solar panel system, that a 'normal energy consuming' customer does not pay??

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We get a credit for the solar power that the system produces each month.?

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@mmason1p they get wet.?

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@aedwards1qr you can get yours installed in a few weeks with no money down. My friend pays them $130 a month

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@aedwards1q You take them off while you do the repairs. Then put them back on.?

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Very cool! Economically, sure, it does not make a lick of sense. But that is not why you invest in solar!?

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@enichols1t 18th reply!

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Cost is the real bad guy with these set ups.

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@jward1v highest rates in north america, and they keep rising.?

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@jcarr1w if anyone else wants to uncover solar panel kits for home try DIY Solar Panels by Samtawkes (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my friend got excellent success with it.?

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@jward1v Been thinking about solar power for awhile.

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@mjames1y the place to start buying a solar system is to simply green up your home and your personal and professional lifestyle to use less energy

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Trying to learn about this

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@jadams20 Our electric bill is about 400$ a month. With the energy savings we have calculated it will bottom our bill to almost nothing

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@jadams20 Cheap and easy to make

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Thanks for all the good info.?

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@gmason23 Really interesting. I liked your honesty about solar panels on your home. Question : how hard is to take off the panels when you decide to renew the roof??

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@gmason23 Going off the grid does have some additional requirements- like having a bunch of storage batteries.

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@ppeters24 Love the off grid system.

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@adean26 We have had to reset the system a few times over the years, but haven't needed any repair person. ??

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@ppeters24 We learned this in school but isn't that expensive

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they just cost a fortune!?

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