@dhunter15 STI stigmas are such bullshit because we're all one sexual encounter away from this supposedly sex life ruining social faux pas.
@hholmes13 How about no?
@ebutler14 I was expecting a terrible story about your neighbor or ex-wife.
@ayoung18 It's focused more on tech tips and I thought I could glean additional information, but I guess I know more about technology than I think I do.
It sounds sort of like "err-eee pa", with the "err-eee" sounding much more like a squeaky bed spring than what I am guessing is supposed to be sound of stretching plastic before the pop. The "pa" is fairly subtle, and in my opinion would be a much better sound on it's own, although it lacks that great snapping pop you get from bubble wrap.
For beginners or those who don't want to think much during climbing, maybe we can have the rocks or the holds light up. This will show the climber the next rock to hold on to and the color of the lights depend on which limb you need to use. Say red color for the right hand, green for the left hand, blue for the right foot, yellow for the left foot. It's like climbing on training wheels.
Phasellus sit amet erat. Nulla tempus. Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum. Proin eu mi.
Cras pellentesque volutpat dui. Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis.
Integer a nibh. In quis justo. Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus.
Vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique. Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue. Aliquam erat volutpat.
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