Bubblewrap fun


The problem with bubble wrap as a stress relief is that the fun is limited - there are only a number of satisfying pops to be had. But Japanese toy and video game manufacturer, Bandai, has found a way around this with the invention of infinite bubble wrap. There are written reviews have been posted online since its original release - some claiming it to be the perfect way to cheer you up and others revealing its flaws. One person wrote in a review: 'A lovely bit of nonsense in an all too serious world.' Others drew attention to the fact that the product is not quite a carbon copy in that you only pop the top of the bubble, as opposed to both sides.

41 points | 88 comments


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nothing beats the REAL bubble wrap! ;D just saying...?

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@cmatthewsl This gives me anxiety?

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@cmatthewsl Very disappointed when I purchased this product

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the description states that the silly sound occurs every 100th pop, however it occurs every 10 to 15 pops. I find this to be far too often. Also, there is a delay after the silly sound plays before it goes back to the normal sound, and I find this breaks my rhythm of popping. If it only played the silly sound every 100th pop as advertised, I wouldn't be as bothered by this.

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@aleeo The keychain does not seem like it would last long with real keys.

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@aleeo This is nothing like bubble wrap... ):?

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@sfrazierp its no the same :( il just buy a couple hundred yards 20$?

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I thought it was neat untill i heard this clip. It doesn't sound anything like bubble wrap! FAIL! :\?

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@cjordans I don't think Thinkgeek would sell Chinese imitators.?

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@wphillipst Actual bubble wrap is great because it's so annoying to everyone but the popper ... and it's a challenge, ever try to pop every last one on a sheet??

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@cjordans I have the exact same one!!?

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The keychain does not seem like it would last long with real keys.

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I bought this for someone who has to fidget and it is great. It does not sound like bubble wrap and the random noises are ok.

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It sounds sort of like "err-eee pa", with the "err-eee" sounding much more like a squeaky bed spring than what I am guessing is supposed to be sound of stretching plastic before the pop. The "pa" is fairly subtle, and in my opinion would be a much better sound on it's own, although it lacks that great snapping pop you get from bubble wrap.

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@hholmes13 It's not the same.?

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It does not feel like bubbles. It does not sound like bubble.

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@brogers17 I'd just spend the money on one of those 250ft rolls of bubble wrap you can buy at Wal-Mart.?

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@along1a I agree to get highest possible profits from the very few amount of people who'd buy such a silly device.

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@along1a They say that Asians are awesome.

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@jhunt1e the hell???

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@along1a my daughter too

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*pretty noise* "yaaaay!" *pop* "awwww" *keeps popping anyway* I used to have this on a key chain till one day the chain snapped off for some inexplicable reason. . ) : ?

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@jmason1k *pretty noise* yaaaay! *pop* awwww *keeps popping anyway* I used to have this on a key chain till one day the chain snapped off for some inexplicable reason. . ) : ?

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@jmason1k Yaaaaay!?

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It was a great idea, but does not work that great

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The reason for this keychain was to annoy a coworker who HATES bubble wrap being popped.

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@gsimpson1q i dont really find it addicting. it just make my fingers sore.?

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@gsimpson1q me too cant wait to annoy!, i just got mine today! :]?

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@pwallace1s waste of product

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