Condom STD test


We have brilliant kids now. A group of students have invented a condom that changes color when it comes in contact with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Safe to say, this isn't the color we want to see during a lovely time. They call their invention S.T.EYE. It would 'theoretically' have molecules in the rubber that would glow. The condom would glow green for chlamydia, yellow for herpes, purple for human papillomavirus (HPV) and blue for syphilis. The conversation after the condom glows between both partners is rippled with awkwardness or worse... fear.

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I would like to know BEFORE penetration. If the tech is solid then perhaps some handi-wipes where you can wipe and show your partner a clean cloth??

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@sturnere Don't know for sure, but I'm guessing the issue with hand wipes is they probably need the fluid (semen). So long as you are using the condoms properly, you should be fine

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@cdeanc And you know this because?

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@sturnere Your worried about getting busted by a condom? ITS A GREAT IDEA.

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Unless like i said you have reason to worry about getting busted? How is that lazy? Or are you just mad some teen is going to become a millionaire?

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I mean, if you're using these, then your probably safer than had you used lipstick.

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What I really need is a shot glass that can detects STDs. This will save me alot of time at the bar

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@prosss Or just dont sleep with dirty bar flys maybe?

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@nruiz2 if it glows in the dark, ur dead

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I understand why people lie about it. I mean, let?s be real here, being open about an ongoing STI infection is pretty much the end of ever having sex again

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@nbennett1z too late for some of your brothers

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@rperez1x this is the best idea for an invention since a long time.?

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@josh10 It?s just that there?s no point in screening for it, because an enormous number of people have it but never have symptoms.

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@jalexander1t Sure many people don?t want to take the risk (who can blame them). However, others don?t find it to be a big deal. Depends on the person.

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I?ve known MANY people with a STI (present company included) who have sexual relationships with those who are not infected and don?t find it to be a big deal or turnoff.

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This is completely untrue and part of the stigma of having an STI that prevents disclosure.

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Maybe you?d never fuck someone with one, but that says far more about you than it does about someone with herpes or HIV.

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@acarpenter1l But it?s also sad to see wonderful, loving people rejected for having an STI that has essentially no complications and usually has no symptoms.

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@krobertson1j Given the numbers of people with incurable STIs, your perception that they?re all lacking for partners is incredibly inaccurate

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@efranklin1h I respect that my friends are all 100% open about being infected. They never keep it from partners. But they?re often rejected as a result, and it?s heartbreaking to see.

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@gdiaz1f bros before hoes

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@gdiaz1f Sorry to burst your bubble but just because you're asymptomatic doesn't mean you're free of herpes

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I?ve known MANY people with a STI (present company included) who have sexual relationships with those who are not infected and don?t find it to be a big deal or turnoff.

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