Life skills training


It's easy to forget that we have access to a limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet. For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to our smartphones, at the touch of our fingertips, we can hack our way through life. As a result, Lifehacker, compiles a list of articles which I find this pretty awesome for the most part. You can find some real helpful life hacks. And some are just flat funny and entertaining. There are great short articles that give me more to read, and original stuff I'd never see elsewhere- from doing your taxes, to organizing every part of your life, from cooking the best steak- you can find every topic that you need quick answer to in this website, and, yes, they will provide you a quick hack to do those tasks.

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These are things you don't actually learn at school, unless you are a chef, driver or accountant.

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They seem to always find great content that never seems to get boring. So if you want to know more about the Tech world I think is probably for you.

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@Prayv I might just make this my homepage for awhile. They have useful tidbits of advice on tech toys and useful info.?

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@Prayv I found this bit on credit card monitoring very interesting. Pour through the site and you will find something of value. The site could use better organization as it is tough to find the gems.

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@Thomas LifeHacker : the name says it all. Hack your life and become more efficient.

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@Bill You have many options actually. This LifeHacker article addresses a of which will hopefully work for you.

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I find this site pretty awesome for the most part.

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@Galileo Lot's of useful information for me- Whenever I visit the site I find at least a couple of good articles to read. News and tips are very informative.

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@briley98754 Most posts are adequately researched, though given the volume of stuff on Lifehacker every day some crap will slip through.?

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@Galileo For the most part, if you try any lifehacks that pop up on the site the worst case scenario is that you might lose some of your time if they don't pan out.??

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@Alexander Well, for the posts,?It's not like anything is going to be dangerous.? If you are looking for a health- or exercise-related hack, you might want to consult your doctor first.??

  • Reply is a very diverse site. You will find a variety of subjects, tutorials, videos, and other stuff that you may find in other places, but not in such a collection as this.

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@jjordan1 Take away those useless posts! and you have a blog that?s easily my favorite on the internet.

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@jjordan1 Lifehacker does an extremely effective job of extracting pieces of the Lifehacker blog that I enjoy.

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@Ajenkinsz particularly if you?re an office worker or spend significant time at your computer for professional reasons.

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@Tnelsonw Sites like this help us with families to feed. I need all the grocery coupons I can get so if you of any other sites please let me know.

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@ewilliamson9 Many of the articles are funny. Some give you ?the feels,? as Imgurians like to say.

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Needs variety from site to site, so sticking with the same tools every time isn't necessarily the best way to go.

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I have just one nit with the site, though ? it?s almost too broadly based for my tastes.

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The majority of the tips in the website are useful to me in some way ? almost all are useful for keeping you on task and focused.

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@ayoung18 Full of tips to improve your life. If you read Lifehacker (the blog) on a regular basis, you might expect a lot of variety.

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@ayoung18 It's focused more on tech tips and I thought I could glean additional information, but I guess I know more about technology than I think I do.

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@hholmes13 REALLY helped when my father's internet browser got hijacked (again). I enjoy not having to help him every single time he messes something up (at least five times a day)

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@jlane10 Yes and for another Hack. ONeof the best add ons I have found for Mozilla Firefox is the Morning Coffee feature. You add all of your favorite websites onto morning coffee then click the coffee cup after you open your browser

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One would think I am the perfect target market for this website I am an efficiency addict, so much so that my wife calls me "Captain Efficiency".

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@brogers17 I will recommend it for someone who wants to be more efficient, but doesn't often take the time to learn it

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Any time a new technology is introduced Lifehacker makes sure to introduce it to the nerd-world.

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@gdiaz1f We hear parents asking for concrete guidance from us about the role digital devices might play in their families? lives.

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@jhunt1e The best article that I have read in this website is that we should teach children that media use means more than just entertainment. It can also involve connecting with others

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@gdiaz1f If kids are to grow up with a healthy concept of what digital tools are and how to use them effectively, creatively and kindly, we need to teach them.

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@jhunt1e Still, it's an easy read if someone just wants to skim it for a few hours. You'll surely pick up some new tips.

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The website is laid out by topic, so it was easy to skip over the stuff that I didn't have any interest in.

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@tnichols1y I thought some sections were unnecessarily long, especially those that included details on how to carry out installation steps (which may be self-explanatory when you're actually installing the software)

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@kharvey0 There were some tips that I'd never do, but maybe a more IT savvy person would enjoy those.

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@kharvey0 If you're reasonably technological, you'll have already made use of most of these tricks.

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@sdiaz9 Especially if you are like me and don't have the free time to keep up with stuff as it is posted to the site.

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@tnichols1y The personal favs on the website would be: the 'Woo the Muse of the Odd' hack (welcoming weirdness), 'Knock Off Work' (for structured procrastination)

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