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Lipstick finder

Scans clothes for lipstick marks and identifies if it belongs to you.

9 points | 0 comments

Keyword search app


Website that scans other websites such as forums for keywords and then consolidates all the related post into a listed document. Can be used to create checklists when studying a product.

21 points | 49 comments

Transport service


When you travel, you often have many options for getting around. Public transportation is the best way to save money but it can be tricky when the time of your commute falls during rush hour. Similar to car pooling but the transport service will pick you up from any location. The transport vehicle is shared with other commuters but is travelling the same. Routes are displayed on a website and shows which vehicles are heading your location.

18 points | 50 comments

Energy source in chairs


Most of us are in an office environment. Like many office workers, we have chairs! When I'm sitting in said chair, our body heat seems to get absorbed by the glorious, cushiony, cloth-covered padding we are sitting on. This clever chair absorbs body heat and converts in to electrical energy. This chair can store the energy into a battery for later use. Might as well invest in this chair and make it more comfortable for office use and never fear to have a low battery ever again.

15 points | 49 comments

Ab pill

A slimming pill that targets fat reduction in the lower ab area. This is one of the most difficult areas to trim down even with heavy exercise.

14 points | 0 comments

Recipes ideas for sale


Whether you're a professional chef or a food enthusiast with talent for home cooking, you might be able to earn extra money selling recipe ideas. You can prepare a presentation package and make a small portfolio outlining your culinary background and the recipe idea you're pitching. Include your current food service resume or related credentials to prove your expertise. If you think about it, every food item you see in restaurants, bakeries, grocery and convenience stores started with a recipe. And more likely than not, the creator was paid for his efforts. It's time now to cash in.

48 points | 50 comments

Grocery delivery


Call your local grocery and have them deliver the items to you house.

13 points | 50 comments

Shoe heel adjustment


Removable shoe heel that let's you replace with other heels with different lengths. Now with just a light tug on your shoe you can turn casual pumps into elegant high heels for the evening. A designer can come up with special shoes that can be matched to a whole range of different heels. They're indispensable for all those who want to wear nice shoes but have to drive! That's right - you can go from flats to stilettos in seconds! Plus more comfort for your feet is always great news to have for the women. Who needs more pain in their life, right?

24 points | 50 comments

Healthy junk food

It's easy to pat yourself on the back for the one vegetable you ate today - it feels like a victory. Everyday feels like a battle to eat healthier. Even the occasional drive through can do damage to your waistline. Thanks to the healthy snack swaps, feel free to indulge on better-for-you versions of your favorite unhealthy foods. It's probably the ultimate down-home, guilty pleasure to eat healthy junk foods that will delight your taste buds and fuel your body with the energy you need to go about your busy day. Enjoy life. Feel good doing it. The taste of better health.

18 points | 50 comments

Average olympic athletes

When someone says 'Train like an athlete!' what do you think of when you hear 'athlete?' Do you think, 'HELL YEAH! I'm gonna train my ass off just like that dude who finished three triathlons the last weekeend!' No, you think of a professional / high level athlete. But what if, we make the regular people enter the Olympics? Wouldn't that be more interesting? The Olympics could get higher ratings if an average joe competed in their events. Because most people can relate to that struggle and their physique.

16 points | 50 comments

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