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Job agencies that get you hired


Looking for a new job in a struggling economy is hard work. Make it easier by getting to know the best tools for the task at hand. There are several companies that helps you get hired to a job you want. Not only have staffing companies evolved into a highly professionalized industry, they offer a career entry point no one should pass up. If you find yourself unemployed, consider a staffing company as you would your university placement center - you really can't afford to pass on a resource that just might land you the job you want or at least a clearly marked path to it.

46 points | 50 comments

Water treatment device


Because no one should be without water. Let us all welcome the Atmospheric Water Generation Unit, the generator-powered device that can produce up to 450 gallons of clean water a day for as little as eight cents a gallon. This is a portable water generator, which extracts water from the air by sucking it in and cooling it down, much like an air conditioner, but a lot more efficient. (It needs about 310 watt-hours of energy to make a liter of drinking water.) Ok, so reality check we can't be hauling them around on our next mountaineering trip.

19 points | 68 comments



It's on the back of all of our minds - the zombie apocalypse is upon us, and when the time comes to hide in the basement, what are we going to do for power? What if we can generate electricity from the motion of the ocean waves? This is clean and sustainable energy, since water is one of our most abundant resources. It is a difficult but amazing self-sustenance project, and it has some nice features once underway, such as the ability to self-clean. This solution does can be used at night and with out the need for batteries.

18 points | 50 comments

On-the-job career guidance


Sure, there are great jobs and companies out there that truly care about their employees. Those companies are rare, though, and you'll be lucky if you land a job with one of them. But what if you can find a company that will allow you to experience their workplace like on-the-job training but you can backout anytime. This will give you the opportunity to explore careers to see if it's right for you and offer you more growth. This can also be offered to highschool students who still undecided which major to take.

16 points | 50 comments

Rapid weight loss


The bicycle is a great invention. It is an extremely efficient method of transportation, even more so than walking. So why not harness that efficiency for other things? Like exercising at home. The geeks at MIT have a better idea; they converted an exercise bike to charge a battery, that generates more than enough power to run their notebook computer. As the bike's instructions note, if you have trouble "squeezing in that daily exercise," you can now "multitask with no problem--[you can] bike while you work!

15 points | 60 comments

Travel guide app


Whether you're hitting the training or taking to the skies this travel season, you could do with a cool travel app to help you plan your itinerary, and what we know now is that an app allows us to have plenty of time to do everything we want (or need) to do while we're traveling. It would be great to have an app that shows all important information to tourists, like, well, ourselves. It can contain maps, recommendation of places to visit and guides you through its transportation system. We need a worry free travel this 2017.

7 points | 73 comments

Girl bands with a penis


It's unfair that those who are different from what society deems normal often don't get a voice. However, there are some bands with interesting artists out there who we still do not know anything about. From Spice Girls to All Saints to the Pussycat Dolls, it would be interesting to listen and to watch an-all girl group with at least one member who is a transvestite. It would also be a fun activity to guess who is the real girl and who is the trans in the group. The internet would explode with different 'fem theories.' And it would piss off The Donald and The Trumpy crowd.

37 points | 56 comments

Wrist blood pressure monitor


Wrist blood pressure monitors can be accurate if used exactly as directed. And this is as handy as you can get, you can keep in your bag, bring it to the office, or if you are in fear of having a heart attach during a vacation, you can bring this device with you. To check its accuracy, and If you have a wrist blood pressure monitor, it's a good idea to take your monitor to a doctor's appointment. Your doctor can then check your blood pressure with both a standard upper arm monitor and a wrist monitor in the correct position in the same arm to check your wrist blood pressure monitor's accuracy.

34 points | 50 comments

Multiple gaming monitors


Large, high-resolution gaming monitors are more common - and more affordable - than ever.The technology is so good that I wish all monitors have it and that it could work with any graphics card. While playing your game, your monitor will have an option to display the game in multiple screens. Inventory is also displayed in one screen and the actual gameplay in another. Two screens attacking your senses at the same time.

45 points | 50 comments

IQ microblogging


Life has become more complex but we hardly ever notice it because technology has made us dumber than ever. In computers, this would be the processing speed and RAM capacity - the more you have, the faster and more effortlessly you can multi-task, and the higher the quantity and complexity of stuff you can handle. Imagine if a website requires you to post depending on your IQ points. It would be a nightmare for some, or worse, everyone.

33 points | 58 comments

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