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All-terrain electric wheelchair


Enables the physically challenged full access to the great outdoors. Built with a 4 wheel drive that can climb up steep slopes and pass through mud, snow, ice, grass and sand. Uses advanced technology to allow the chair to balance itself and even transform depending on the terrain. Can go up and down the stairs and adjust its height to give the user a better reach. Even has autopilot mode which uses GPS to set the course and also has collision avoidance system for additional safety.

28 points | 65 comments

Battery powered led lights


Know you need a spotlight but can't decide which would be best? Or maybe you aren't sure whether a night light is a better choice than a step light? Add critical lighting to an indoor or outdoor darkened area quickly and easily using a battery powered light fixture - no electrical outlet needed. Battery operated lighting offers many different types of uses with energy-efficient LEDs that are powered by either lithium-ion, lithium coin, AAA, AA, C, or D batteries.

34 points | 50 comments

Cure for cancer


According to researchers the future of medicine wont focus on the symptoms of the disease but will focus on curing it at the genetic level. Nanotechnology, the science of working with particles, enables scientist to change the gene expression to a molecular level. Medical advancements will have a wide variety of uses and could potentially save a great number of lives. Nanotechnology is still in its early stages. Only recently that scientists are able to produce microscopes that allowed them to see and manipulate nanoparticles.

31 points | 53 comments

How to get out of jury duty


Many people want out of jury duty because it disrupts their lives, and you'll find an endless amount of online information about how to escape. When asked a question, start your sentence with "According to the prophecy". Or better yet, if you have a legit reason for avoiding jury duty, you should go through the legal process of getting yourself excused. Usually, Courts issue summonses through random selection, so there's nothing you can do to avoid being called for duty. Another option, If you can get a change of date, ask for December, when there's a far greater chance that trials will be delayed or moved.

11 points | 50 comments

Crime reports


Till now, crime reporting system could be old school. If any incident happens in any area, crime reporting is done via telephone or in person. A large number of incidents happen in every city and we do not have the exact statistics for this. Having a system, will be helpful in looking for places to live, visit or buy property. Good motivation also for local government to improve security and lower crime rates. It's 2017 and we still do not have a proper system for this.

15 points | 51 comments

Senior health and wellness

A gym for senior citizens. Customized fitness routines for the elderly and those with health conditions. Also includes a diet plan for healthier eating habits. Longevity through exercise and diet.

5 points | 53 comments

Creative Curriculum

If you need a very specific skill to learn, a customized curriculum is the best way to go. Don't waste time learning things you don't need. Go straight to the subjects the could help you get results fast. This can be done via a website where you will find a mentor with the skill you want to learn. Mentor to student ratio is limit to 1:1 to maximize effectivity.

5 points | 0 comments

Anti stinky feet

Socks that removes stinky odors.

2 points | 0 comments

Magnetic levitation roads

Cars float in the road from a central control system. Reduces traffic since vehicles are all moving at the same speed.

9 points | 0 comments

Mugging deterrent


Why would you even let a mugger take your real wallet? That's where having a good plan and a decoy device comes into play. The premise behind this Decoy Wallet, is to let the muggers feel guilty, that is... if they have a conscience? The researchers suggest it has to do with an evolutionary instinct to preserve the innocent, so if it's not terribly embarrassing, keeping an envelop in your wallet and naming it for the orphans. Might get you in the good books of Mother Theresa, as well.

29 points | 50 comments

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