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First date tip to look more attractive


Watch a scary movie. Sometimes the brain confuses fear with sexual arousal. For example, if you cross a scary wobbly bridge with a girl and once both of you get to the other side she will find you more attractive. Also when watching horror films your date may have some sudden impulse to hold on to you during the scary parts. You can use this chance to act all brave and comforting which in turn makes you look cooler.

47 points | 64 comments

Tip Calculator app


This tip calculator app not only calculates tip quickly and easily but also helps to split the bill between any number of people. This app also determines the tip depending on the total food bill and service satisfaction. Round up or round down on any value on the tip calculator and see changes to the tip percentage, tip amount, total amount and amount payable per person in real time. It comes in handy when your out by your self or a couple of friends. Very easy to use and like how you adjust how much you want to give for a tip.

45 points | 51 comments

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