@krobertson1j Given the numbers of people with incurable STIs, your perception that they?re all lacking for partners is incredibly inaccurate
@gdiaz1f Anyone who is talking about shooting it down or stealing it is an idiot. Stuff already gets stolen now, when UPS drivers leave stuff on the doorstep in view of anyone who walks past.
@brogers17 I will recommend it for someone who wants to be more efficient, but doesn't often take the time to learn it
I?m wanting to take a solo trip to japan sometime next year, don?t know any japanese, was going to do exactly this, still will though, so can anyone recommend a really good jap translation app?
Can this wall have a like a douchebag alert? Say someone climbs wearing a manpris, visor that is backward and upside-down or a bluetooth headphone the wall sounds an alarm. Some climbers think this stuff is ok but really it's not.
Phasellus in felis. Donec semper sapien a libero. Nam dui. Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla. Sed accumsan felis. Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.
Sed ante. Vivamus tortor. Duis mattis egestas metus. Aenean fermentum. Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis. Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh. Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.
Nulla tempus. Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum. Proin eu mi. Nulla ac enim.
Duis at velit eu est congue elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.
Praesent blandit. Nam nulla. Integer pede justo, lacinia eget, tincidunt eget, tempus vel, pede. Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula. Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus. In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.
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