@hpeterson7 curious george we have here
@Alexander In short, do not buy these unless you wish to throw money and your data away.
@cfloresg same experience too brother
@jjordan1 Take away those useless posts! and you have a blog that?s easily my favorite on the internet.
I once had a luminous condom, it looked pretty flash!
@alee4 On second thought, you're right. This machine is awesome!
@wjohnson2 But how can the machine tell the difference between excitement, fear and fatigue? I'm in the middle of my climb and a hot girl walks in. For sure the wall will automatically bring me down.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem. Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum. Praesent blandit lacinia erat.
Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla. Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus. Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus. Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum. Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla. Quisque arcu libero, rutrum ac, lobortis vel, dapibus at, diam. Nam tristique tortor eu pede.
Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula. Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus. In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem. Fusce consequat. Nulla nisl.
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