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Tip Calculator app


This tip calculator app not only calculates tip quickly and easily but also helps to split the bill between any number of people. This app also determines the tip depending on the total food bill and service satisfaction. Round up or round down on any value on the tip calculator and see changes to the tip percentage, tip amount, total amount and amount payable per person in real time. It comes in handy when your out by your self or a couple of friends. Very easy to use and like how you adjust how much you want to give for a tip.

45 points | 51 comments

Mechanical Surgery

Machine-like precision for surgery. Fully programmable to minimize human error.

1 points | 2 comments

Programmable Delivery Drone technology


Designed as a last resort in the delivery hierarchy - these drones will be likely to be costly to use. According to several reports, 30 minutes of your order being placed, your goods can sat on your lawn or driveway. With the drones having been shown to clock speeds of up to 60mph - and with no air traffic to dodge - drone deliveries are not only going to be more convenient, but often quicker than heading to the shops. It would be pretty cool not to have to face the delivery guy anymore, but have that little thing hovering in our laws - ladies and gentlemen - the future.

16 points | 83 comments

Life skills training


It's easy to forget that we have access to a limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet. For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to our smartphones, at the touch of our fingertips, we can hack our way through life. As a result, Lifehacker, compiles a list of articles which I find this pretty awesome for the most part. You can find some real helpful life hacks. And some are just flat funny and entertaining. There are great short articles that give me more to read, and original stuff I'd never see elsewhere- from doing your taxes, to organizing every part of your life, from cooking the best steak- you can find every topic that you need quick answer to in this website, and, yes, they will provide you a quick hack to do those tasks.

31 points | 90 comments

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