@tnelsonw No?
The keychain does not seem like it would last long with real keys.
Anything that forces you to stop ?having? the experience and instead focus on the technology takes away the point of the experience and should be removed from it.
Let's add dimensions to the climbing wall. Rather that having only one wall, why add more adjacent walls that change their positions and rock placements. Combine these walls and you have something like a climbing frame. It's like a bigger playground for big boys and girls.
Nulla justo. Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque. Mauris sit amet eros. Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis.
Nullam varius. Nulla facilisi. Cras non velit nec nisi vulputate nonummy. Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit.
Fusce consequat. Nulla nisl. Nunc nisl. Duis bibendum, felis sed interdum venenatis, turpis enim blandit mi, in porttitor pede justo eu massa.
Phasellus in felis. Donec semper sapien a libero. Nam dui. Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.
Donec ut dolor. Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus. Mauris enim leo, rhoncus sed, vestibulum sit amet, cursus id, turpis. Integer aliquet, massa id lobortis convallis, tortor risus dapibus augue, vel accumsan tellus nisi eu orci. Mauris lacinia sapien quis libero.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt. Nulla mollis molestie lorem. Quisque ut erat.
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