Competitive salary


Having the right information will give you leverage in any situation. This is true especially for a salary. No one wants for a company that pays lower salary compared to another company that pays higher for the same kind of work. What if it is mandatory by law to make salary public information? This way job applicants will prefer companies with higher salaries forcing the other companies to raise their salaries as well. Companies will now be competing to get the best hire that same way job applicants compete for a job offer.

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Any of you had the experience of going through 3 exams and 5 interviews before getting a job offer? What's worse is the salary offer low which makes all your effort not worth it. Making the salary known to everyone will help you avoid this kind of crap. It's good for both ends anyway. The company and the applicant's time is not wasted by having the offer declined in the end.

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Why are salaries typically forbidden to talk about, forbidden to disclose?

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@jlopeznm people are going to think why is that person getting paid more than me and so on.

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@jlopeznm Sounds like a good idea to me ,in the interests of a fairer society.

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@jlopeznm There are lots of different rationales, but keep in mind some companies are transparent with pay

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@jlopeznm I've also worked in places where some staff are not only open about how much they make, but quite loud about it.

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I suspect many consider hidden salaries to be an indication of something not quite right?

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It breeds jealousy. "Why is he getting x if I only get y?"

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My experience is that the?staff?want to know everybody else's salary until they find out they get less?

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@klawsonnt Your conjecture is too general

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@areidnu Yep that just about sums it up.

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@klawsonnt I just want a higher salary

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Don?t you know what could happen?? Nothing. It?s illegal to retaliate against employees for sharing salaries

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@phansonnx Wellll?. ? ?

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@phansonnx in fact many companies have set salaries for various roles which are known.

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@phansonnx really now?

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companies want to outsmart us always

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@rcarro1 I can't really find a way to understand that 90% want to remain private - isn't it that the low paid are very much in favoour of openness

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@kyoungo2 Even if the person is correct to wonder about why someone gets x and someone else y, that's not the whole picture

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@rcarro1 even when it offers no direct or indirect benefit to anything and may actually cause problems.

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@pwesto4 me too they brag man

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the companies side morale is a big factor, it's not a great idea if a staff member knows that the guy next to him doing the same job is making more money.

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@atayloro9 do companies have morale? LOL

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@atayloro9 Couldn't really fault the logic then, and I can't now.

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@atayloro9 all clients are secretive

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@mmatthewsoc I always get into a situation

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@atayloro9 morale?a funny word for corporate evil lords

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As a business I advice people on how to motivate staff and this certainly isn't one of the best ways.

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@gperezof How much do you earn and what benefits does your company provide? Also where do you work??

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@gperezof Don?t you know what could happen?? Nothing. It?s illegal to retaliate against employees for sharing salaries

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@gperezof The sensible and ethical thing to do is to include a salary range in every job ad.?

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@gperezof It's one thing to enter a resume online, but it's an entirely different investment to fill out an application

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If every employer or a lot of them starting posting their salary ranges, employers would save a lot of time and money.?

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@dpetersonok Even if the person is correct to wonder about why someone gets x and someone else y, that's not the whole picture

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@dpetersonok You don't get a lot of people complaining that they are paid to much

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? @dpetersonok Job seekers don?t want to waste their time going for interviews, only to find out that the salary being offered is way below what they?re looking for.

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@ahartoo A prior client was very secretive about pay, kind of a problem when they want you to charge accurate costs to a project rather than using an average,

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@ahartoo Sometimes you get the situation where people like to exaggerate their salary - as a way to show off a bit in the office.

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