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Automatic inflatable mattress


Oh, the air mattresses. They bring up such painful memories - like the time when, as a college student between apartments. You usually find yourself on an air mattress after traveling, eating too much, drinking too much, socializing, or generally wearing yourself out. Finally, a comfortable, easy-to-set-up air mattress! Its built-in electrical pump made inflation quick and easy, without any snags or incidents. (One minor complaint is the noisy pump - you would want to inflate it before any little ones go to bed, because it would surely wake them up.) Sleeping bag the automatically inflates itself.

24 points | 50 comments

Air purifier gas masks


For city-dwellers sometimes walking down the street means breathing in the dark cloud of smoke from pollution. It feels like having an exhaust pipe blowing directly into your face. You cough, suffocate, burn your eyes and look like you just came out of a coal mine. What if there's a face mask that could filter the air. Not just a simple cloth air filter but something far more advanced. It processes the air, removes the pollutants and purifies the air to make it seem like your breathing fresh air all the time.

27 points | 71 comments

Detachable pressure washers


Attach this device to your hose to add pressure to the water flow. This technology is actually not new. The concept here is to amplify the water pressure. It means within the detachable pressure washer there's a technology that increases the water flow. Perhaps the washer can pull the water towards it to increase the force and the physical design is optimized to minimize the area. With this device, water consumption is reduced and because of the added pressure the range is increased.

42 points | 51 comments

Spy glasses with camera recorder


Have you ever seen an eyeglass spy up close and personal? Perhaps you've only encountered them in movies but had no idea that there are actually real ones. Many people these days make use of spy glasses for a lot of different reasons. It's important to know how to use a spy camera pen if you intend to investigate something without being obvious. You should also research on the benefits that these spy glass can provide so that you know if it's really worth spending your money on. It is an innovative invention used for taking pictures and recording video and audio clips discreetly.

42 points | 56 comments

Outlet power meter


This is a device that displays the power consumption of each electronic equipment plugged into the outlet. The device can be attached to the outlet itself with an LED display. Power consumption cost can also be displayed so the users have an idea of how each device adds up to their electric bill. An app can also be built with this device to store all the consumption information. View all your power consumption in a centralized database from a website or your phone.

11 points | 51 comments

No blind spot mirror


When I make a 45-degree turn to enter another lane, it's hard for me to see the approaching vehicles from behind. I find this to be very dangerous when the vehicles are really fast and seems to be coming out of nowhere. Turning at this angle creates blind spots because of the vehicle frames blocking your view and your side and rear view mirrors are useless because they're pointing at different directions. I think a good solution to this is to widen the angle of these mirrors to increase the field-of-view. Make the mirror angles wide enough so that there are no longer blind spots.

10 points | 51 comments

Natural sources of energy


Scientists are currently studying how to tap the energy naturally created by people's bodies - such as movement, heat and sound - to power devices without the need to change batteries. Without the hassle of carrying these huge power banks with us all the time. The researchers said that the implant is small enough that it could be placed in one's ear. Experts also predict that the device for bioenergy harvesting could be available within the decade. Imagine if we can charge our smartphones through our ear? Science, you did it again.

8 points | 0 comments

Home Automation System


Home automation systems and devices are an upcoming trend that utilise smart technology. They can act as hubs and controllers to control home lighting, fans, security, and other electronic aspects that can be automated. There could be an app that will show all the information about your home such as power consumption, security camera feeds, food inventory any many more. The app is linked to a website or to your phone so you can view the home status anywhere.

26 points | 49 comments

Cooling pillow


Tired of flipping your pillow whenever it gets warm? Heat controlled pillows can fix that. This pillow will make sure its surface is always cold. The technique for choosing a pillow is very expensive and can cause added stress and tension to your neck and upper back. The major downside is that cooling pillows cost a lot. Good memory foam pillows already run you about $100-120, but a cooling pillow adds another $30 on top of that. But if you are in luck you might find yourself just as well off with the cheaper stuff.

38 points | 71 comments

glow in the dark spray paint


Glow in the dark paint is very fun and can be used to create many different things. If you have ever seen a glow in the dark decor, you may have been intrigued as to how it works. What makes this paint glow is the Europium crystals that contain Strontium Aluminate. These crystals are suspended in a clear medium that uses direct light to help them glow. This is why most glow in the dark paint requires you to place it on a sunny windowsill for a few hours. Now imagine if you can use this paint in your lawn or highways, it would be better for everyone's sake plus it adds more security on the road.

28 points | 51 comments

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