Smart bullet


You know the phrase "dodging a bullet"? Forget about it. Probably not going to happen anymore. Demonstrated what was once thought impossible, companies working for the Department of Defense in first world countries developed a system which provides continuous guidance of a small-caliber bullet to target. This conjures up images of a cartoon character frantically fleeing a bullet that follows him wherever he goes. Only, these bullets are traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. And even the Road Runner can't run that fast.

18 points | 52 comments

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it's gonna take a lot of time and budget as usual.

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@fhernandez45 ever heard of diplomacy or trading??

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@fhernandez45 facepalm

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@bgreene47 Smart bullets: Not suitable for hostage situations.?

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@agomez48 i think they can be programable?

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@relliott49 They can, at one point.

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Disgusting, life has no nationality.?

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@lbarnes4d We are inherently bad and we should accept that.?

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@lbarnes4d this is boring?

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@tcrawford4f stupid millenial

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@rrose4g Explain how you chose where the bullet aims.

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@lbarnes4d It's pretty obvious

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Fake and physically impossible.

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@bmedina4l yeah no, deadpool.?

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@bmedina4l who likes this stuff...

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@ewest4m He's aim-botting again!?

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@sharris4o Now I can get infinite head shots or shoot up people's ass literally.

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Gun control only works in countries where there aren't already guns.

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The saving lives part has nothing to do with public use, it's for military and law enforcement.

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@hat if the enemy has these bullets too ?

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What's next self guiding knife??

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@dhamilton4t I don't see guns going away anytime soon here.?

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@dhamilton4t So we just don't fight? Yeah, that'll work.

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hope they know that the terrorist will get those too because both sides can buy things....?

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@mharrison4w yeah these will be good until terrorist get a hold of them?

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@mharrison4w Somebody has already created this.

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@mharrison4w Oh yeah, the super accuracy of smart bombs

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@mharrison4w All my enemies will pay >:D.?

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@mharrison4w it's kinda like a smart pistol

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Better ways of killing people to save lives, sounds legit.?

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@jbrown53 I bet Isis is watching this like wow they are being really helpful !?

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@jbrown53 The best way to save the life of soldiers is by not going to war?

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@rgomez55 no , this is bad?

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@rgomez55 How much do they cost...

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@jbrown53 A small loan of a million dollars?

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I hope to god this doesn't work.?

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@hbryant5a Why??

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What if it's a hostage rescue scenario??

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