Parking system app

iOS: There are plenty of parking apps that help you with some aspect of the car-parking process, but ParkBud can handle all of it. It will help you find spots, refill the meter, remember where you left your car, and more.The most disappointing thing about most parking helpers for your iPhone is that they handle one thing really well but are missing some feature that eventually renders them useless plus the built-in apps on your iPhone are generally sufficient for most situations.

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I wanna app that finds me a parking spot in the street, just a regular parking spot.?

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I have to say... pretty god damn brilliant. ?

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Smart parking sounds okay, but let's get excited about reducing our reliance on the 2-11 seat passenger car in favor of mass transit, bicycling, and walkable cities.?

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how about taking the bus ? ... just a thought ...?

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Some of my favorite Android apps were ported over from the iPhone world.

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"Honk" is another iOS app that has a lot of the same features.?

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I like this app but found Park Place to not only be more correct to locations, but the prices of the lots are updated often & the event parking prices are always correct which no other app does.?

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@marmstrongme Best panacea for all your parking woes,... don't use a car.

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@marmstrongme Open Spot is a free Android application from the folks at Google?

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@rmcdonaldmg Well, cosmic karma and in-app karma points

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@rmcdonaldmgi I mean, don't get me wrong, this would be awesome if implemented in a larger scale, but at this point, I feel like it's mostly a novelty.

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@rstanleymh However, this kind of experimentation could lead to some kind of automatic system. Google's just putting it out there now to see how much traction they can get.

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The system could be tiered, leading to different levels of reward.

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I'd rather have an app that shows me what the parking restrictions are in a particular area as well as red zones/bus zones/loading zones etc.

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I saw this on the Market yesterday. It's a neat concept, but I just don't see it being very useful. I want to love it!

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