@psimsi1 I am a 50 year old woman who's been cutting hair for 36 years my fingers cannot turn anything anymore I have arthritis in my hands I sure could use one of those.?
@pcooperi2 A dear friend, gave me an?Electric Jar Opener?for my birthday over ten yrs ago. I was touched by his noticing how badly I needed it - arthritic hands.
I have this. It just rotated & rotated & never gripped the jar , then it fell over onto the table & slide down & hit the floor. I now know that I am not alone in this bullcrap of companies telling you how easy it is to use these jar opening products.
@cdanielsig I'm not sure why you'd find it funny, but we have plenty of arthritic, Parkinson, dystonic and stroke patients who would really benefit from these.
i mean it in the sense that if you cant perform a simple operation of manipulating a lid off of a jar without a machine then u will not survive life due to there being more tasks that can be done without machines