@wgutierrez8 Finally got this in today, and I will start off by saying Thank you for finally creating a super-tiny USB 3.0 flash drive.
Works like a charm! Fits more snugly into my USB ports than the 2.0. The black part of this thumb is also a little big bigger than the 2.0, but this is probably due to the hole where you can loop a cord through it
@Alexander I know I'll end up at the top of something. Top of the wall, top of the lobby or top of the pavement. If I slingshot myself out of the gym then that means the string tension of the net is good.
@Alexander How bouncy is the net? Is it like trampoline bouncy? I'm thinking instead of climbing the wall I'll just jump on the net and bounce right up to the top.
In sagittis dui vel nisl. Duis ac nibh. Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus. Suspendisse potenti.
Vestibulum quam sapien, varius ut, blandit non, interdum in, ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio. Curabitur convallis. Duis consequat dui nec nisi volutpat eleifend. Donec ut dolor. Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus.
Aliquam non mauris. Morbi non lectus. Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet. Nullam orci pede, venenatis non, sodales sed, tincidunt eu, felis. Fusce posuere felis sed lacus. Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl. Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem.
Praesent blandit. Nam nulla. Integer pede justo, lacinia eget, tincidunt eget, tempus vel, pede.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem. Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum. Praesent blandit lacinia erat.
Quisque erat eros, viverra eget, congue eget, semper rutrum, nulla. Nunc purus. Phasellus in felis. Donec semper sapien a libero.
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