Optimized shopping map software


An app integrated with the map of the mall wherein you can input the list of items you need to buy and the app will show you where you can buy them with the shortest route possible.

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The more innovative, forward thinking malls are adapting to mobile.?

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@jmoore5j It?s all about recognising emerging consumer technologies

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@jmoore5j they should develop a technology that?s just now available for merchants to start taking advantage of

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@rdixon5k Many of the fundamentals will stay the same

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@jmoore5j This is true innovation! :))?

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@jrussell5n asians are intimidating to me?

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Opposed to having to dig through the thousands of mismatched outfits on the racks, I could simply virtually try on the things I really like, get a feel of what is available and get the representative to get me what I want to try on.?

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Still need some serious software guys to build this type of stuff

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Shopping malls are facing many challenges.?

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@dcox5s Done right, every customer will feel like a VIP on Rodeo Drive

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@dcox5s Yep, in our city 8 shopping malls closed down

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@dpalmer5u I think a lot of people would be leery right now because the NSA (and all 'law' enforcement) can snoop, take pictures then too, and would then be watching everyone in the store.

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I am impressed a great strategy to boost retail sales.?

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@mcarpenter5w Retailers can prepare for this by treating this future as an evolution rather than a revolution.?

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@mcarpenter5w ohhhhh that would be nice brother

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@jpayne5y ?There is a lethargy to go to the mall. Omnichannel is the way to go but it might be all online in a few years.

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@jpayne5y I want malls to create a virtual muse :)

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@mhunter60 ohhhhh that would be nice brother

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At the very basic, shopping mall is a?logistical solution?created decades ago - pre internet era

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shopping malls are like horse-drawn carriage when Ford Model T was introduced

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@cpalmer63 In 2050 we won't need to leave our homes to do anything.?

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@cpalmer63 If there still are traditional homes

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@cmedina65 I can?t tell you the exact future of retail, but I can point you to the person who has that answer: your customer

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@rrodriguez66 This technology is still science fiction. Just my opinion...?

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It's really revealing (and cool!) to us?shoppers

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Very informative read.

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Nothing will be able to replace trying clothes on for real.

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@marshall6a We are all consumers. ?

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