Stress relievers


Stress and anxiety are common human experiences that typically fade without the need of any medical intervention; however, extreme stress and anxiety may interfere with your ability to conduct your daily routine. Prolonged stress leads to health problems. High levels of the stress hormone cortisol are associated with heart disease and cancer, what if there is a a medicine that can instantly remove stress. Corrects the brain and body chemical composition to induce a relaxed state. The ultimate chill pill.

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Sedative medications depress (slow down or inhibit) the activity of the central nervous system (CNS: comprising the brain and spinal cord), causing a sense of relaxation, reduced anxiety and tension, sleepiness, and slowed breathing.

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Although these drugs used but it is of value only in short term and caus dependence so we may add also antioxidants and vitamins and vasodilators

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@amorenoqf Free yourself from toxic people?

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@amorenoqf I have heard many unbelivable things about it and my mate completely end his social anxiety safely with this system.?

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@amorenoqf By the way, I notice many people keep on talking about Atoractove Secrets (just google it), but I'm not sure if it is really good. Have you thought about program called Atoractove Secrets?

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@ablackqi Just enough amount of science to validate,

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@ablackqi There are many components to treating social anxiety at home

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can you take Gaba plus l glutamine , glycine and taurine and magnesium can we in corporate them all into our daily routine ,,at the same time ,,can we take them on going as a routine against anxiety?

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@jreyesqm Personally MAGNESIUM WORKS for me, STAY AWAY FROM GREEN TEA makes it worse.

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@jreyesqm The first time I had a major anxiety attack, the doctor put me on xanax treatment but it messed with my head really badly and I had memory issues

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@bbaileyqo Theanine Serene is NOT the way to go---from my understanding. Rather go with L-Theanine , straight easily absorbable

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@jreyesqm I don?t even know that these drugs exists

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@mbakerqq most of these substances occur naturally (e.g., are harvested from plants rather than created in a laboratory) this does not mean that these substances are harmless!

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"@rrussellqu" Folate is better then something artificial like amino acids.?

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"@rcrawfordqx" You want herbs like Skullcap & passionflower etc if these are your type symptoms and GABA does not absorb well.

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How do you know you have a cortisol problem??

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@ahunterqv I don?t know

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I bought a supplement called Theanine Serene by a company you mention and it turns out is has 500 mg per servings of GABA. But you say that is too much. If

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@rcrawfordqx loved this!

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I bought a supplement called Theanine Serene by a company you mention and it turns out is has 500 mg per servings of GABA. But you say that is too much. If

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1 solution knock ur brains out!!!! no more worries! !!?

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whatever works, friends.

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@tandrewsr1 No..I didn't bother asking. I'm well now without anything extra..?

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@tandrewsr1 There are no hard and fast rules. except maybe: keep an open mind and notice what works.

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