Foundations for venture philanthropy


The is strong research backing up the claim that great good can be done for a modest cost. Choosing the right charity matters at least as much as deciding how much to give to it. Donors now are paying more attention to the uses their money is being put to, but they are also demanding proof of impact. This pushes charities to focus on short-term outcomes, rather than more meaningful long-term measures of success. As most charities are learning now, if you want to do good, you have to do well.

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Family foundations are private charitable organizations that apply for non profit status and have significant regulations to adhere to that traditional charities are not obligated to comply

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@hwillisjg I?ll admit, other than occasional donations to the Salvation Army kettle, I didn?t give much.

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@hwillisjg The election of Donald Trump freaked the hell out of many of the same people who like to give money to the sorts of charities that help the poor.?

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@pharveyjij he is evil incarnate.

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@fcookjh if it means money will be diverted from the most effective organizations this movement of charitable donations could be very bad for the global poor...

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@hwillisjg Evidence Action provides clean water and deworming programs.

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You are likely not a superhero who saves lives very often, but you can legitimately save lives by donating to these charities.

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@smorrisjq I?d rather give money to graft vs host.

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At the top of my list is cancer research, but there?s so many different foundations. I have considered giving to the Rose foundation.

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@pgriffinjs How about giving your local charities your...time!

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@rwilliamsjt Correct me if I?m wrong, but cancer research strikes me as an area where money is not the main limiting factor for further progress. There are already plenty of people giving vast sums towards cancer research (i.e. in the several millions)

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@rwilliamsjt Take a hint from this article and give to GiveDirectly.?

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@jcastilloju If you donate for cancer research, perhaps look into the types of cancer with the lowest survival rate.

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@kgibsonjw I agree. Cancer research is not cost effective, and it gets a lot of money from the government and pharmaceutical companies.

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Just remember to give in good faith and dial back the spite.

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@gblackjy Small charities are much more ineffective than large charities.

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@cburkejz Yes, smaller charities might be less effective in fighting ?the disease?. But I?d wager they are more effective in fighting ?the symptoms?.?

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@dmcdonaldk0 I?d say effectiveness and size are correlated, but the relationship falls away towards both extremes.

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@jelliottk1 Go on.

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@?m tempted to give to Against Malaria, but shouldn?t I wait to hear both sides?

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From my experience, giving your time and effort to a local cause is far more rewarding than giving money

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@sfosterk4 ?Of course, it doesn?t make a lot of sense to fly to Africa to fight poverty there in person, so why not send money globally, but donate your time locally.

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@dalexanderk5 Pffffft FART SOUNDS

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@dalexanderk5 Is the Clinton Foundation not respected anymore since the election? I?m actually curious...

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? @ehenryk7 sometimes maybe we could take a break from our worry over these things, if only for our own sanity.

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@jbryantk9 Start with something small, and try to build up from there. Treat it as a kind of personal best.

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Is capitalism equipped to address human poverty in the long run?

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@tfisherka I don't think capitalism alone is going to solve the problems, but capitalism supplemented by enough concerned individuals who would both donate some of their resources and lobby governments to prevent some of the possible abuses of capitalism

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@tfisherka I understand that the recipient?s insurance pays for the donation. There?s no cost to the donor.

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@wgordonkc That?s what I was hoping to hear.

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@tfisherka From a utilitarian perspective, it would be a bad thing if people just felt guilty and nothing came of that except they felt worse about their lives than they did before.?

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My sis died of Type 1 Diabetes (well actually Heart Disease but Type 1 was the start). Anything to help cure that! Cause if we can cure Type 1 we can move on to Type 2 (which is what my mom gots!)?

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@cfoxkf ?I?ve been growing mine to donate it for Locks of Love but read they have requirements in order to get a wig so I?m glad there are other organizations.

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@cdiazkg don't donate to generosity, donate to

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@cdiazkg You guys are all awesome people. ?

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@cdiazkg larger charities are susceptible to empire building and bureaucratic inertia (like any large organization). Just because there might be a duplication of efforts isn?t a reason not to give to a small charity.?

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No mention of charity for the veterans? Just a thought nothing against any of the other organizations mentioned. ?

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@jbellkk Mention some you know and let others know about the names and/or website links.?

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Folks, if you're worried about charities not doing what they claim to do, then donate to smaller, local charities near your own home.

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@egrahamkm Honest question... Why fund to end breast cancer? Why not pool all the cash to find out how to stop ALL forms instead of just a few.?

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@jmillskn Because every cancer is different and they start and are stopped for a variety of different reasons. There is no end all drug because you need specific drugs to combat specific types of cancer.

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@sburkeko Every ones fighting when I'm over here eating a pop tart ?

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@egrahamkm It's better to donate locally to smaller events than these well known giants. Donating food, clothing, toys, etc. could also help tremendously.

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@sburkeko I like the breast cancer charity. 91 cents to the dollar for research, that's amazing ?

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This made me feel like humanity isn't completely a failure.

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@bdixonks What about a charity that helps people cover their heating bills?

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@bdixonks I don?t think that this is categorically true.

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@lgarzakt You?ll have to check the eligibility rules (usually max donation per person per year and minimum gifts) and do a little extra paperwork, but it means extra money for your charity.

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