Underwater video camera in fishing hooks


When you cast a fishing rod into the water and it goes beneath the surface, it enters a dark, deep, mysterious world that you can only imagine. Perhaps that's exaggerating things a bit, but the fact is, you can't see where it is or what's around it. An underwater camera attached to a fishing rod can provide you with visuals and shows you what it looks like down there. This cable runs from the reel-mounted monitor to a small waterproof video camera. You can see what is exactly biting from a camera attached to the fishing hook.

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its just neat to see whats down there...?

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@pcooperi2 better hope u don't get snagged

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@pcooperi2 I use this for crabbing. Tons of fun!

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@dbrowni3 Its a joke a fish finder on a pole

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@jcarteri6 Yeah, would be lovely to see a review when used in real action water ?

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@jcarteri6 you could also use it for spying?

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I'm not that impressed the camera needs to be hooked up to string otherwise some of the phones don't have Wi-Fi capable unless you take the router?

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@rgreeni9 It's 2017 lol?

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@rgreeni9 This would be fun, especially for kids, it would keep them interested.?

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@dschmidtib where can I buy one.?

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Very cool! I would use this!!!?

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I go fishing and lose floats all the time.

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@aknightif If you intend on using it for any more than taking underwater photos at say, I would recommend you purchase a professional camera housing.

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@aknightif As an avid diver, I agree: The concept is cool, but in practice the case wouldn't work much deeper than shallow depths.

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@rkelleyih Go no more than a few feet deep if your camera has an external lens that moves while focusing!?

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this is actually real time to your iphone??

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@rduncanij No, it records to a micro SD card for viewing later.? That would be a cool feature though.?

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@rduncanij Good equipment.

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@rduncanij i used it twice then it stopped working wouldnt charge and was dead.

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@rhowardil the sd card refused to pop out like normal cameras i had to try to retrieve it with finger nails.

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@rhowardil procast were quite good they changed cameras for me but it cost me

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If you add the weight system that is included, it will no longer float.?

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cool awesome concept.

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@ejordaniq But get a snag and lose it.

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@ejordaniq Now that's an expensive day!?

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@vkimis This isn't for fishing. You could fish with it. But that would be retarded.?

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@vkimis That is a very intersting idea.

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@rgonzalesiu I look forward to seeing how it works.

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This looks like one of those ideas that either work out great, or end up crashing and burning in the large pile of failed idea that seeemed good at the time, lol.?

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@ahowardiw that would just be a cool underwater camera accessory. but not as a pole combo

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@sbrownix seems like fisher price made it.

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@sbrownix wish it just plugged into a monitor not a cheesy reel monitor that cant be to good..

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@kleeiz im glad i read it though.

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