Virtual online shopping mall


An online map of the shopping malls and all the stores inside. Shows the inventory and all items on sale. Also allows online purchase so shoppers won't need to be physically at the store. Search functionality helps shoppers find want they want fast. Avoid the crowd and shop at the convenience of your home. This is also an efficient way to shop and to replicate the "real" experience of going around shelves and choosing the product that yo have been dreaming of.

16 points | 50 comments

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looks like it was programmed with a toaster. why the hell would a virtual mall have esculators?

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Very interesting! Thanks for the great info!?

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@mpetersdw Great i had this idea also

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@mpetersdw i have so many more ideas for the shopping center wana hear? contact me. ?

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@thalldz no one wants to hear you.

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@smoralese0 This has some of the features that we designed five years ago for my on line mall. This is not fully virtual all the way.

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The tricks for that are complex, I wish them well but be very aware that it is nye near impossible to secure rights of ownership.

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Trillenium wannabe?

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@kcooke3 That's why we built our platform with seamless loading :)?

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@kcooke3 seamless loading?

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It does sound good.

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@mreyese6 Visitors might be encouraged to have a good look around if they could find clues to solve a puzzle for a prize.

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3D has been around for years. However, this sort of platform, and combining shopping with a 3D creating an incredible user 'in-store' experience has not been around before.

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@cflorese8 Looks nice but hasn't this sort of thing been around for years ?

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@cflorese8 I often wondered why all these virtual worlds ( Sims etc ) never developed models for real shopping.?

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Sounds brilliant!

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Now this is my idea of how to shop! Very cool!?

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@truizec I hate shopping--but ?even a hater of shopping is going to ?love this virtual, 3D shopping mall. Virtual E Shopping . I still like shopping catalogs and on line. I usually know what I want to purchase, ?except if it's an exhibit, flee market, whe

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@truizec Shower and BBQ--or eat on the patio or deck. I do miss non-virtual shopping malls and hanging out with the crit group. Okay, I am definitely distracted. Coffee . . coffee.??

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A E S T H E T I C S?

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@athompsonef the future we used to envision in the 80s and 90s it's finally here?

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@athompsonef i have got to say i have been working on this idea for almost 7 years beat me to it ...although you will see me competing with you very soon...?

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I live in korea and i didnt even know this is a thing. wtf?

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