Robot dog walker


March of the robots! Now imagine that, as you step outside your house to let your dog indulge in his morning stride, you are then faced with robots and flying drones doing the same dog-walking duty as you. What if you can use robots as dog walkers. Can also cleanup after the dog. Crazy futuristic idea, right? Maybe not so crazy after all, if we are to believe the recent tech development. Although we have yet to see any of those projects being mass-marketed, we cannot deny that having a dog-walking robot could have clear advantages in the long run. We still have to wait and see.

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  • Reply

@ think we can shutdown the internet now,

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@he wurst robot ever :D?

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@hat was a terrible joke to be frank---furter.?

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I believe the word I'm looking for is redonkulous.?

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When your dog needs to go for a walk in the middle of the night or early in the morning, imagine the satisfaction of having your trusted drone do the job, thus letting you enjoy some valuable extra minutes of sleep.

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@here are also clear advantages for older or disabled people who may not be able to provide the daily exercise their pets need.

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??If your dog is well behaved, it may well be a walk in the park.

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@t?s hard to be a geek and not like robots.

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What a geat idea! Build robots that can do all the things we can do and thus leave 7bn+ humans with f 'all to do all day

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@ut isn't that the whole point!? Machines do the work so we don't have to. Or do you want to go back to the days when you had to go down a mine for 12 hours a day and work by candlelight?

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@ver heard of re-skiling or do you expect the world to stand still?

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@oes it make alimony payments, and how much coal does it burn per hour?

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When the robot improves, it's going to remember that guy hitting it with a stick.

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Fast forward 100 years. Either they're saving people out of the rubble or Skynet and burying us in rubble.

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@ery cool, but yet kind of creepy

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Not as good as the robot made by Honda

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?if someone can come up with a drone capable of walking the dog, pick up the mess after it, talk to the neighbours and also bring back the newspaper and a bottle of milk, we may well change our mind about those possible dog-walking bots

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@s much as we love our companions, we cannot deny that walking our dogs is not just a selfless act

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How will your drone cope when Sparky the German Sheppard decides to bypass his programmed walk to go ?chat? with the neighbour?s dog?

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