Water proof phone is a sign of cheating SO


Infidelity is just a text message away. There's nothing like finding out that your partner betrayed you to kick your soul square in the nuts. When we talk about affairs, we often categorize them as emotional, physical, or both. That's helpful to some extent. Yet nowadays, there's another category that we can loosely call the texting affair. Sometimes, it is a tell-tale sign that if your SO buys a waterproof phone so he/she can take it to the shower and text the other girl/guy. We've seen this in movies but yes, it could happen in real life.

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affairs can vary greatly, depending on the person

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@For some it?s jealousy and fear

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@somebody touched my stuff? feeling

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@any affairs are relationship extinction-level events, not all of them have to be

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@ot all affairs are equal

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@confess, do your penance and go out of your way to earn back your trust?

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If you find out your partner has cheated, it has been my experience that the best thing to do is end it. No forgiveness needed

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@aving been cheated on in my youth... yeah.?

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@et out and be done with it. Probably better for most people.

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@etting past infidelity is a lot of hard work, and someone you've only been seeing a few months doesn't have that many ties to make it worthwhile.?

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@f you have kids, shared property, or other stuff where going your separate ways would be a major upheaval, it might be worth renegotiating the situation as opposed to going full nuclear.

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@etter a major upheaval and starting over than renegotiating with a cheater. No it won't be easy to start over but it's better than the alternative

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It?s one thing to know the person is having a relationship ? it?s another thing to actually see the communication

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@ou can be cheating with someone while you?re sitting right next to your partner

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@he constant availability of @he Internet is an issue

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@it?s no longer about ?removing the computer removes the threat. We have it on phones, on watches ? everywhere.

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?There is literally no rebuilding that trust. Just leave and get it over with so you can both move on with your lives.

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@up. You can never rebuild. Only a matter of time before that shit explodes.?

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@t?s probably tough for some people to hear, but there are levels of events that can?t be ?healed?, and asking someone to ?just get over it? or ?work through it??

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@e live in a culture where people are more aware of their emotional and sexual responses to others than ever before

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@t used to be verboten

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@here's never been another moment in history when we've had instant access to anyone who crosses our minds

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It's a digital form of rumination

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@ou see a profile or update, and even if you're not interacting with the person's profile, it's still placing him or her in your mind and consciousness.

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@eople are more vulnerable and open in online communication than they would be communicating face-to-face

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@ust unfollow someone whose feed you can't resist or make it so that you don't get any social media alerts directly on your phone

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@pouses tend to assume that their partner has the same boundaries regarding social media and the opposite sex, but unless you actually talk about them, you have no idea

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take a cue from your seventh-grade self and keep admiring from afar.

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it?s not that we have to fight to cheat; we have to fight?not?to cheat

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@the excitement of new desires, the thrill of a new connection, the high of a new experience

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@it?s harder in a world where technology changes the notion of space and time

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@s a psychiatrist who focuses on relationship issues, I used to tell the couples I worked with that the easiest way to keep their relationships safe from infidelity was to avoid tempting situations

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@voiding temptation is hard ? but doabl

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@es, temptation is everywhere

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Most infidelity begins in the mind

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@Emotional affairs hurt just as much as physical affairs, and many of the technologies for entering an affair really work by reaching out and grabbing us emotionally

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technology clearly gives us so many ways to cheat

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@aybe the key here is to be more aware of the damage

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@h but people like being damaged

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@ell but there is nothing wrong with the innocent daydreaming

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@aha. Think again.

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@he brain can be a very dangerous tool

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