Marital status check website

Website that tells you if a person is single, married or divorced.

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I'm Not My Marital Status

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@bmarshallqd and there you go, behind every relationship there is a website for us

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@hhartqe ?Our value systems are not worlds apart? even though one of us might be married and the other divorced. We are of the same species, still.

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@amorenoqf ohhhhhh points raised there!

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@hhartqe The demise of my marriage and subsequent rebuilding of my unforeseen, new life wreaked havoc on me for a while.?Every part of the process was traumatic.?

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it turns out the social network probably knows my relationship status anyway, and it's got nothing to do with the fact I'm posing smugly with my boyfriend in my profile picture.

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@ablackqi No two relationships are alike and many do not fit neatly into a ?label?

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For those employees not single, married, or divorced, but rather somewhere in between, does the law protect you from discrimination based on yourmarital status?

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@twellsqk Problems crop up when people fall in love and don?t see or don?t care about the?marital status?of their partners.

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@jbakerql Non-Muslims in Bolehland who wants to get married have to first apply & have a waiting period (of 1 month)

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Its a stupid practice coined to demean women n have promiscuous relationships legally.

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? @jcollinsqn Who r u to talk about islam way of practice..are u muslim? If not shut up...

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@jcollinsqn There it is. The male chauvinism.?

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Marital status?of a woman is still an important point of social fabric almost everywhere.?

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?I am NOT married nor do I have any plans to do so in the near future.

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@jrobinsonqr no one is asking you

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@jrobinsonqr My bae is busy accusing me of cheating but

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@rrussellqu most marriages right now are invalid

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@ahunterqv how sure are you?

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Some have married with kids for long and if you?check?their?marital statusyou will see single or complicated

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this is important. the right filing status can affect the amount of tax you owe for the year. It may even determine if you must file a tax return at all.

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The Department of Home Affairs has launched a new online marriage?verification?service as part of the?Check?Your?Marital Status?Campaign.

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@tandrewsr1 can we check it via our phones?

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@khudsonr2 yes, you can.

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If you meet singles on online dating sites, but don't quite trust their personal history, you may want to check someone's marital status to ensure they're as unattached as they claim.

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@aramosr4 oh but I live dangerously my friend

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@dwardr5 oh me too

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@cmarshallr6 States have differing rules about registering and divulging information on marriages, so you'll need to know where to look without a national database.

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