@nhansonfe I got one of these and it doesn't show the decimal poiunt when displaying Watts which had me thinking my equipment was pulling 2500 Watts.?
@nhansonfe Most people want to get right back to their normal lives, and don't want to be tied up listening to lawyers debate for weeks and weeks.
@nhansonfe Top freezer models are far more efficient than any other type.
@nhansonfe It's called a panic attack, and YES it can happen from smoking weed, educate yourself.?
I have been playing sports for over 20 years. I have played basketball, soccer, softball, volleyball, I was even on the swim team. Due to the rigorous activity required in each of these sports, and the fact that bad knees run in my family, I need a knee brace or strap when exercising or playing these sports for leisure.
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