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Band tracker

An app the shows where your favorite bands are playing.

5 points | 0 comments

Motivator app

An app that detects depression and tells you to never give up.

10 points | 0 comments

Battery charge check

Device that checks the remaining charge for a battery. Can be used for AA, AAA, 9 volts or any external batteries.

6 points | 0 comments

Foldable electric scooter

Electric scooter that can be converted to trolley where you can pull it around when indoors.

15 points | 0 comments

Textile fabric quality scanner

An app that scans a fabric and rates the quality.

20 points | 0 comments

Automatic lighting systems

We live in a time unlike any other. With so many technological advancements at our fingertips, our lives are made easier. Smart lighting is a lighting technology designed for energy efficiency. This may include high efficiency fixtures and automated controls that make adjustments based on conditions such as occupancy or daylight availability. You have the ability to control your lighting, again with just you entering the room and the lighting automation 'sensing' if you are there or not. It turns on with the people in the room and it turns when everyone leaves. I would definitely want to try automating and controlling everything in my house.

12 points | 50 comments

Food scanner

Device that scans a material and checks if it is edible. Displays calorie content and nutritional values.

15 points | 0 comments

House keeping website


In this economy, sometimes both parents need to work to secure the finances of the family. But at the same time, it is also very difficult to find help with the household tasks and babysitting needs. An easy way could be through a website that allows you to employ housekeepers, nannies or babysitters. Background checks are automatically done by the website. The system cross-references the profile of the applicant with any criminal database. A special algorithm is used to assess if the person is a threat or legit.

22 points | 1 comments

Art appraisal

I have to say that the price of art nowadays is getting ridiculous. Some of the paintings look like it was made by a four year old but still command a high price. I believe price should be driven by public interest. A good way to measure this is through a website that shows paintings or sculptures and asks how much you'll pay for it. After you've set you're price the website will display the actual price of the material. The price of the public appraisal vs the actual price is compared. The higher the difference the more absurd the price of the art is.

22 points | 1 comments

Outsourced private chef jobs


Grocery shopping can be a drag - but what if someone else did all the dirty work for you? What if you have a Chef that can plan and cook meals for you. The food is delivered to you everyday so you no longer need to worry about your meals. Meal plan can be set according to your preference. Can set a budget limit on how much the meals will cost. Typical restaurant delivery will always be in style, but in reality, most of the time, we do not have enough time to prepare a decent meal for ourselves.

43 points | 50 comments

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